Welcome to BURYtheGIANT.Club

Join us and get creative for a brighter greener future

About Us

BURY the GIANT Club is for anyone who wants to be more creative responding to the climate emergency. 

Carbon looms large in our lives, it is the giant of our times. It's challenging to face it alone, it's hard to know where to start, but together we can find the courage, and our tiny actions can make a big difference.

This is a community of people who want to use creativity to explore, discover, get connected and learn from eachother. Together, we can discover how to bury a giant.

Everyone can be creative! Do you like cooking, gardening, tinkering, singing, thinking, writing, dancing. Whatever it is that brings you joy, can be the way you join in.

Join us and get creative!

  • Every month, we'll introduce a new theme to explore in our own way, together, online. 
  • As a community, we'll decide whether this should lead to a live exhibition, or a festival or something else.
  • And once in a while, we'll share opportunities for you to develop your own creative energy projects
  • We'll provide prompts, ideas, resources and information to help you journey in to a richer appreciation of energy in our lives and 
  • You'll have a safe space to share ideas and consider your own journey towards a brighter greener future

Thank you to all our supporters!

The Art and Energy club is presented by The Art and Energy Collective working in collaboration with Plymouth Energy Community and Plymouth Culture.